Here's how the creative team at OlleyMay adapted one of its more popular headlines to three different design approaches for the YMCA brand. 

The two on the left are bright and fresh while the one on the right is a little edgier. Nonetheless they're all contemporary and will grab the recipient's attention, especially when used across different marketing channels.

These variations were not designed to be used as a series, or all at once since the last one on the right has a bit of a different tone, but with some tweaks to make the last one more consistent with the first two in style, they could easily be a consecutive series of marketing messages or all used at the same time.

We think the themes not only speak to family, adult fitness and youth, but also touch on unique YMCA benefits and features such as indoor pools and court activities -- offerings that many YMCA competitors do not offer.

What do you think? Any suggestions?

Thank you and happy marketing!


If you'd like to see other OlleyMay YMCA designs please  contact Bruce Browning at (914) 380-7510 /
